Tagkwaw are perennial plants. Medium and large. About 12-18 meters tall, brown skin or darker skin color as a blister or clues. The two branches in the direction that was a mess.Leaves a bouquet of a licensed third leaf petiole length of 15-20 cm of the round end of the Armstrong pointed leaf green the size of a large 2-5 inch long and about 4-8 inches a flowers bouquet with flowers. Erythrina. Flowers with large red or yellow. A bouquet of flowers with short petals 5 petals and has a slightly curved pods flat ฝakyaw about 10-12 cm wide and about 2-3 cm light brown outer shell. The seed pods are small.Where farmers and growers. For the prosperity of the residents and should be planted on the south Tagkwaw growers should plant on Saturday due to the ancient belief that trees are growing on a Saturday if you make a fortune for it. grown adults who should be respected. And the goodness that it would be a great fortune.Belief Thai people believe. Any home or home Tagkwaw plant will have a lot of gold. The sacred wood Tagkwaw behalf. You can have gold or gold naturally enough. In addition, I also like Tagtrrmchati pretty brilliantly.